Supporting the MIT community since 1980

Our Services

As a confidential and independent third-party neutral, the Ombuds Office can help you clarify concerns, become a more effective communicator, and successfully navigate any situation that arises in your work and study at MIT.

Communication Coaching

Conflict is a part of life but it doesn’t have to be negative, especially when we respond to it constructively. The Ombuds Office can help you analyze concerns from all relevant perspectives and develop effective communication strategies that lead to sustainable solutions.

Exploring Options

An ombudsperson can help identify and evaluate your options in any given situation.

Surfacing Information

The Ombuds Office can serve as a confidential channel to surface information without fear of retaliation. We do so only with the permission of the person or people who raised the concern.

Informal Mediation and Shuttle Diplomacy

Informal mediation or shuttle diplomacy can be an effective alternative to a formal grievance process. When direct communication appears too difficult or potentially ineffective we can explore other options for engagement. An ombudsperson does not take sides or make judgements but we will do our best to develop shared understandings and mutually agreeable resolutions.

Group Facilitation

We provide a space for people with diverse perspectives to have a respectful dialogue to help clarify concerns and identify shared goals. As with all Ombuds Office services, participation is voluntary.

Policy Clarification

MIT is a complex institution with many policies and procedures. We can help you understand those that may be most relevant to your concerns or questions.


MIT has many support services and resources for Institute community members. In the course of discussing concerns, we may offer you information about available resources.

Identifying Trends and Emerging Issues for Systemic Change

The Ombuds Office identifies aggregate concerns and emerging issues at MIT and provides feedback to appropriate stakeholders in support of positive systemic change.

You Remain in Control

We can listen, brainstorm, explore, coach, and offer referrals, but you decide if and how to proceed. Raising concerns with us doesn’t initiate any formal action or process. You own the problem and the solution.